Saturday, May 27, 2023

Urban Carping in Motorcity U.S.A.

After a nice outing last weekend and landing a nice fish just shy of 23# we decided to try it again today.

It was a day filled with boaters, a jet skier, ducks, a squirrel that ventured a little too close, and an unexpected visit from Mrs. Michigan Carp Fishing. 

We haven't had any significant rain in more than a week, so that coupled with warmer weather and sunshine triggered a massive algae bloom in our river of choice for spring fishing.

After a few small carp I noticed a lot of activity near a bridge in our swim. I've tried fishing in that area several times and it often ends in a snag and with a lost fish. But not today!


  1. Plan on going carp fishing tomorrow, where is a good place SE Michigan

  2. Anywhere really. I personally gravitate to rivers because I've had a lot of run ins with boaters and jet skis at most of the lakes.


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