Friday, February 13, 2015

How to Generate Money from Carp Fishing

12 pounder caught in the fall
I went to high school near the Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri. Bass fishing is very popular in that area. I recall sitting in history class one day and the teacher asked each student to explain their plans after high school. Most responded with college plans, some responded with plans to work in local businesses and one responded with, "I'm going to go on the professional bass fishing tour."

Intrigued by that response I later learned that his father had been a guide on the lake for 25 years and earned his living mainly by hunting, fishing and teaching others to do it too. A few months after graduation, that same student was in the local newspaper for winning an event on the Redman fishing series.

We can't all be professional fishermen and we certainly all can't count on earning enough money consistently from carp fishing competitions here in the U.S. to earn a realistic and consistent living from doing it. But I think there are options for supplementing our incomes and earning some part time money following our carp fishing passion.

It's a long shot to gain full-time or even part-time employment with a tackle or bait company; and even more remote that one of them would contact you at random and offer to sponsor your carp fishing efforts. I guess it can happen, but the odds of it happening are very long (maybe even 1 in a million).

Starting a bait company or tackle company catering to carp fishing is another possibility, but that requires a fairly high up front investment and ongoing working capital to sustain it for the long term.

That leaves eBay, Craigslist, garage sales, flea markets and trade shows buying and selling used fishing equipment. I have a very good friend and fishing partner who has taken this approach and does earn money doing it. Being successful requires some special knowledge about the more valuable antique tackle to make it lucrative. That is simply knowledge that most people don't possess and don't have time to learn.

That leaves us with creating our own website...

Besides this carp fishing blog I have others and some of them are monetized with advertising and affiliate links to Amazon. In my opinion, it's more realistic to earn some money from carp fishing efforts with a website. Here are some ideas for potential methods:
  1. Affiliate programs like Click Bank
  2. Adsense ads and other ads and banner programs
  3. Building a list
  4. products
  5. Relevant fishing advertisers
  6. Create your own fishing product
  7. Teach fishing lessons
  9. Write a book about carp fishing
  10. Do all of the above
I have been earning money from simple websites since 2001 using a mix of the items on the list above. If that sounds like something you would like to learn more about, let me know and I'll be happy to help if I can. Or you can read some of the free step-by-step training materials from this affiliate training website.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Potential Carp Fishing Headquarters

I love Class A RV's. I have been day dreaming about owning one for more than 15 years. New ones are way out of my price range and many of the used ones have seen better days. Lately, I have noticed a trend in the used diesel RV's - pricing on nice used units have decreased the past couple of years and are quite reasonable these days (in my opinion).

This very nicely maintained 1999 Allegro Bus 34 ft. diesel pusher with 300 hp Cummins would make a very nice traveling headquarters for an avid carp fisherman. The wood floors are perfect for a fisherman's RV because they are super easy to clean compared to carpet.
I am not ready to pull the trigger on this particular RV, but I would really love to purchase one like this one at some point in the future. As of 2/8/15 the Allegro Bus is still available for sale for $29,995. It is located in Greenville SC.

Here's another excellent motor coach listed on eBay. This one was relisted on 2/8/15. It will likely sell for somewhere in the mid-$40's range.

Wounded Warrior Project

Last year I pledged the proceeds from the affiliate links on this page to the Lupus Foundation. For 2015 I am pledging the proceeds from this page to the Wounded Warrior Project.

The Wounded Warrior Project has a tri-fold mission:

  • To raise awareness and enlist the public's aid for the needs of injured service members.
  • To help injured service members aid and assist each other.
  • To provide unique, direct programs and services to meet the needs of injured service members.

  • I hope I can generate some funds for this great non-profit service provider. The work they do is helpful to so many soldiers in need.

    To donate to the Wounded Warrior Project directly, click here

    Tuesday, February 3, 2015

    Pier Fishing Michigan Website

    I found a tool today that helps anglers find pier and shoreline access sites. Here's a video regarding an access site in Monroe. I'll definitely be checking this out. It's been my experience that where there are catfish, there are often carp as well.

    The site in the video is a "no fee site" with plenty of parking, restrooms, paved walkways with shore and pier fishing access.

    I can't believe it's taken me two years to find this site. It definitely looks promising.
    Anyone else use this site/tool to find shore access fishing spots in Michigan?

    Wednesday, January 28, 2015

    Carp Juice Flavors

    My order of R & W Carp Juice arrived today. Here's a few pictures of the flavors I'll be using and testing in 2015:

    19 bottles of assorted carp attractants

    Pineapple Extreme

    Peach Plus

    Banana Nut Extreme
    I have traditionally used pineapple as my primary "go to" flavor for a couple of years. This season I decided to try some others. If you don't try something different from time to time, you might not realize what you're missing out on...right?

    Sunday, January 25, 2015

    Prepping Hair Rigs Today

    I spent the day prepping some rigs and equipment. Here are a couple of rigs I tied:

    Size 6 hooks
    These are the typical hooks I have been using for carp fishing - size 6 from Resistance Tackle. The hook length on these is exactly 5 inches with the hair a little less than an inch.

    Saturday, January 24, 2015

    Scouting Fishing Spots Near Monroe

    I developed a small case of "cabin fever" this afternoon and decided to get out and scout some potential fishing spots.

    I found this one in downtown Monroe:

    Veteran's Park
    I had high hopes for finding an access point to the River Raisin from the shoreline, but not being familiar with the area I did not achieve that goal today.

    There is a campground directly on the river off of Front Street, but it was closed today so we couldn't get close enough to tell whether it would fit the bill or not.

    There is also a pier near the Edison Plant but it is closed from November through March apparently.

    Misconceptions About Carp

    A beautiful common caught on Memorial Day in 2014

    Most people in the U.S. think of carp as a nuisance or even an invasive species, but in other countries throughout Europe and many other areas of the world; carp are THE fish to go fishing for. Known widely to anglers in Europe, they were brought here purposefully in the mid-1800’s following a rise in European immigration to North America.

    They might be a nuisance if you want to catch a mess of catfish for a summer fish fry, but I personally wouldn’t call them invasive.
    • A starling in most of the U.S.? Yes.
    • A Burmese Python in South Florida? Definitely.
    • A bighead or Asian carp in Illinois? Absolutely. 
    I am specifically referring to common carp or German carp aka Cyprinus carpio; not to be confused with bighead carp aka Fypophthalmichthys nobilis or Aristichthys nobilis; and silver carp (the jumping variety) aka Hypophthalmichthys molitrix. The bighead and silver carp were not purposefully introduced to the main American waterways, but are believed to have “escaped” from southern catfish farms following a flood in the 1970’s.

    Friday, January 23, 2015

    Short Session vs. Long Session

    Big Carp News has an interesting article about the pro's and con's of long vs. short fishing sessions. Most of the time I can only allocate a certain number of hours to fish on any given weekend. I try to arrive early before sunrise and start fishing. Then I try to stay for as long as I can; usually around 4 p.m.

    In Southeast Michigan I am not aware of more than one place that allows overnight camping. I know of another place that does allow overnight fishing, but it has the potential to be a little "sketchy" late at night. It's in a somewhat industrial area. Still, I might try it sometime if I can find a couple of other guys who want to fish an all day and overnight session at that venue.

    I am sure longer sessions are better than short sessions and I have seen fishing be slow all day long and then pick up unexpectedly in late afternoon. Leaving even 30 minutes earlier can sometimes mean the difference from catching a couple of fish vs. catching 5 or 6 fish.

    Thursday, January 22, 2015

    Southeast Michigan Carp Fishing League

    I'm going to move this post up a little higher in the list of articles. It's a new year and this activity provides something to look forward to when the weather turns later this spring.

    Inspired by the recent video posted by John Finney at Carp Quest on YouTube, I am currently brainstorming some ideas for a little friendly competition among friends next year.

    I would like to drum up some interest in a Honor System Carp League in 2015.
    It would work something like this:
    • Sign up to participate in the league.
    • No cost to sign up.
    • The participants would establish a list of venues by popular vote.
    • The frequency could be once a month or twice a month; again established by popular vote.
    • League participants would fish specific venues on specific weekends.
    • Fish could be caught on either Saturday or Sunday of the specific weekend.
    • Fishing could occur anytime after midnight on Friday and before 8 p.m. on Sunday.
    • We would make a post on the CAG Facebook page for Southeast Michigan Carp League Results on Sunday evening and then post our single big fish picture and weight in a comment under that post.
    • The pictures would have to be posted by 8 p.m. on Sunday night of that weekend.
    • No posts would be accepted with a timestamp after 8 p.m. Sunday.
    • The closing post on that weeks main post would be the tally of the final results.
    • I'd keep a running total of the results on this page as well, so it would be easier to read without scrolling through a bunch of Facebook posts.
    • The league could run for a specific number of weeks: 4, 6 or 8 as a example and then crown a champion.
    • There are a couple of ideas for scoring (revised today based on a suggestion in the comments below): 1) best 3 carp caught, 2) 10 pts. for biggest carp each weekend, 3) 1 pt. for every pound of carp netted, photographed and posted during the weekend time frame.
    I'd be open to other ideas for improvements on the above guidelines and feedback on whether anyone might be interested in participating with me.
    If having a league with running totals is too much of a commitment, we could just do one off weekends and have individual weekly winners. Or we could do some other variation of the above that I haven't thought of yet.
    Here's a list of possible venues I am thinking of that have plenty of access as an example:
    • Ford Lake
    • Belleville Lake
    • Mill Pond Park in Saline
    • Huron River in Flat Rock
    • Sterling State Park
    Again, I am open to other locations. The qualifier is that they would need to have plenty of shoreline access so we'd be assured of fishing access no matter when we went to fish. This would also be an attempt to level the field and make it fair for all as much as possible so you can still catch fish if the "honey hole" area isn't available.

    Another alternative is to make all the locations eligible every single weekend. That way if one location is not available, you could move to another one. That would also allow for fishing more than one venue during the weekend as long as only 3 fish are scored.

    Here is a summary of my initial thoughts on how the score keeping would work:

    Wednesday, January 21, 2015

    Motivational Quote

    Believe where others doubt. Work where others refuse. Save where others waste. Stay where others quit. And you will win where others lose.

    Author Unknown

    Tuesday, January 20, 2015

    Fishing Poetry

    I found this poem today while looking through a file cabinet in search of another file I misplaced. This was written in 1990 during my senior year of college for my Contemporary Poetry class.

    Me and My Fishing Pole
    Back to nature at Little Dixie,
    It's just me and my fishing pole.
    Nothing disturbs me here. There are
    No cars to honk their horns. There are
    No ringing phones or doorbells.
    All that remains in my earshot is
    the fait whispering of water rushing to the shore.
    I hear the splash of geese skimming across the water.
    I hear the nesting bluebirds feeding young ones in a tree.
    I see the squirrels, and rabbits, and fish swimming near and far.
    I long for days like these with nothing much to do.
    No papers or homework, no bills or yelling roommates.
    I wish I had more time, away from life's subtle pressures.
    I'd spend time alone enjoying the simply soothing times
    escaping hustle and bustle if it's only for a day.
    Brian Pearcy
    March 20, 1990
    1st Draft
    Poem #8

    TUF Line XP Braid for Carp Fishing

    TUF Line XP
    I have been in the market for some braided fishing line and purchased some tonight on Amazon. I have been using Power Pro for about 18 months. After a brief flirtation with Big Game monofilament, and disappointing results, I am returning to braided line.

    The picture shows the Tuf Line XP 1200 Yard Braided Fishing Line in yellow, but I prefer the olive green variety. I got 1,200 yards for $104 and free shipping. Locally I have been buying Power Pro for about $28 per 300 yards, so 1,200 yards would be $120; plus I have to drive to the store and pick it up.

    Monday, January 19, 2015

    Carp Juice

    Now is the perfect time to accumulate supplies that have to be ordered and shipped vs. picked up locally.

    Here is an order I am preparing for some R & W Carp Juice:

    Any body got any other suggestions for flavors to try I might have missed?

    Linda was just looking over my shoulder and suggested more Grape Ape. She used it last year a few times and caught well with it. Now it's her favorite flavor. I guess I need to update my order before I press "submit"

    More Pictures from the Auto Show

    If you are looking for some new transportation to your favorite carp fishing spot, some of the pictures in the video below may help you choose your new ride.

    My personal favorite is the Raptor 4 x 4.