Saturday, September 12, 2020

Deja Vu Carp Times 2

Fishing at the Detroit River today for carp, I had two catches at 15+ pounds each. To my surprise, it appeared to be the same fish.

It wasn't very easy to tell because the fish had a couple of missing scales on the side opposite the camera.

The first catch was at 10:15 and second at a little after Noon. We managed a better photo the second time around.

These catches demonstrate an important concept in carp fishing: consistency. Consistent casting and baiting will help you catch more fish.

After you have identified a likely location that holds fish, recasting to the same spot does three things:

1) Holds fish already there in the location for a longer period
2) Draws more fish into the spot
3) Increases the odds you may catch one or more fish

You can't catch what's not in front of you. So its a smart strategy to hold what's there and bring more in. More fish for longer periods translates into more fish selfies! Yay!

Link to more info about carp fishing on the Detroit River: The Strait

Update: Upon closer inspection of these photos it is apparent these are two different fish.

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