Saturday, July 31, 2021

Detroit River Ghost Carp

2021 is finding my carp fishing efforts focused largely on the Detroit River. These efforts date back to 2019 and 2020 when I started fishing the rivers nearby more and more. 

My efforts to fish public lakes near my home have become frustrating with boaters and jet skiers.

But I've caught some nice fish this year in the Detroit River at 3 different swims, which is rewarding. There are a few other Detroit River swims on the list for later this year as well. 

Here's an interesting fish from earlier today. I wish I'd thought to photograph the head from the top, but I did not.

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Detroit River Carp Fishing for Lower Stress

"I don't need therapy, I just need to go fishing." I get mine most Saturdays, from April to early in November. 

Forty-six million people can't be wrong.

There are actually fishing therapy programs popping up across the country. 

I caught these carp today from the Detroit River.

Michigan Carp Fishing

I am speaking generically about therapy. Please consult a professional if you think you may need therapy or counseling. 

Fishing has provided me a powerful way to unwind and de-stress after a work week. It's difficult to successfully catch fish while angry. Trust me, because I have tried many times.

There are so many details involved in successfully catching fish that a calm and cool approach is needed.

Fishing usually occurs in nature, in peaceful surroundings, which has been a source of meditation for me. My blood pressure reduces just thinking about fishing. Sitting by the water adds a calm that is sometimes difficult to find sitting on the couch.

The next time you are stressed, try tieing a few fishing rigs. It's difficult to tie a fishing rig while anxious, upset or uptight. In my experience, the act of rigging baits for fishing forces me to become calm and very "Zen".