I can only guess that it's because there aren't many people writing them letters along the lines of mine. For anyone that enjoys carp fishing even half as much as I do, please consider sending your own e-mail to the DNR and let them know that there are those of us who enjoy carp fishing just as much as others enjoy killing them with bow and arrow. It would be a shame if all the big carp are exterminated and all that's left are the run of the mill 8 - 10 pounders.
It might make more sense to limit the killing of carp with bow and arrow to those below 10 pounds and preserve the larger trophy sized carp for those like us who carp fish for the enjoyment that comes with catching the once-in-a-lifetime fish weighing 25, 30, 35 or even more than 40 pounds.
It's something to think about.
Original post from 3/21/15:
Some may wonder about the title I chose for this post. The point of the title is to draw attention to the difference between fishing and killing.

I have been following a conversation about shooting fish with a bow and arrow in a Facebook Group that I follow closely. I sure will be glad when the weather warms a little more and everyone can get outside on the bank and do some fishing because the arguing and name calling is getting a little old.
I headed out for a few hours this morning to fish and things were pretty slow. There is still some ice on the water, so the water is bound to be cold. There are fish being caught, but they are few-and-far-between right now. But it's nothing a couple weeks of 60 degree weather wouldn't cure.
The conversation over on the Facebook page inspired me to write a letter and send it to the DNR. I have included a copy of it below. If you have always wanted to write a letter, but didn't have the time; feel free to copy and paste the words below and modify them for your own use. You can e-mail the letter to DNR-Fisheries@michigan.gov.
I am writing to ask a question about bow fishing.
I am an avid common carp fisherman as are many of my friends. I have been wondering for a while whether there are limits to how many fish bow fishermen can kill each day. Are there any actual limits? Are there any actual regulations that bow fisherman have to follow when they kill fish?
I have seen pictures of bow fishermen with more than 30 common carp killed in one day. I have seen people locally shoot a boat bottom full of carp and empty the fish into a trash can. I am guessing that since they placed them in a trash can they were not planning to eat them. I completely understand killing fish to eat, but I do not understand shooting fish and discarding them like trash.
I realize that many people do not regard carp as worthwhile, but their viability as a sport fish is highly underrated. I have caught many bass in my life and I've never experienced catching a bass that compared to the experience of catching even a small carp. Everyone that I have helped learn to fish for carp have told me the same thing.
There seems to be a lot of animosity between those who are serious carp fishermen and those who are avid bow fishermen. I am sure the two groups can peacefully coexist, but I feel some improved communication is in order.
Perhaps the common carp's viability as a sport fish could be acknowledged by the DNR in some way. They provide a multitude of angling opportunities in Michigan. They are one of very few fish that can be consistently caught from the shoreline without a boat in good numbers and with average size in the 8 - 12 pound range by even inexperienced fishermen.
Not everyone who likes or wants to fish has a boat. Not everyone who fishes aspires to catch bass, crappie and walleye. I urge the DNR to take a look at indiscriminate killing of common carp for the soul purpose of killing them to discard on the bank ,near the boat ramp, or in the trash can. I would encourage the DNR to consider implementing some rules and regulations for fish killing. I also urge the DNR to discourage the posting of pictures to social media and other websites that promote the indiscriminate killing of common carp.
Brian Pearcy
Belleville, MI
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